5 Best Ways For Seniors To Pass The Time


12 March 2020



One of the benefits of growing older is the abundance of free time. Most people above the age of sixty-five are either retired or are taking on fewer professional commitments. This free time can, however, be harmful rather than beneficial if you don’t have some constructive way to occupy yourself. To avoid loneliness and enjoy a senior lifestyle, here are 5 activities that you can spend your time on.

Here are 5 Best Ways For Seniors To Pass The Time:

1. Yoga


Yoga is an activity that has a positive impact on your physical and mental well being. It helps you relax, achieve stress relief and gain mindfulness. As an activity that promotes movement and agility, your physical fitness levels should significantly improve a few months into practicing yoga regularly. Yoga is also ideal for seniors since the physical activity involved is usually not overly strenuous, there are programs that are customized for seniors to engage in safely. There is even chair yoga for seniors who may have mobility issues

2. Puzzles and Games

Puzzles and Games

People across all ages require some form of mental and intellectual stimulation. Younger members of the community usually get this ether from school and their careers. For seniors, retirement does not mean their intellectual abilities have to be underutilized. Puzzles and games will not only stimulate one mentally, but it also offers the perfect opportunity to collaborate with others and improve your social life. Puzzles can be enjoyed with friends, family members, and other puzzle enthusiasts. Since most of the exertion is mental, age-related physical restrictions will not take away from your enjoyment. The social aspect of involving others in your puzzles and games should also not be underestimated. These sorts of board game activities are available at many aged care centers like Kew Gardens Aged Care, where you play with other seniors. Having an active social life is the best way for seniors to avoid depression and loneliness.

3. Walking


Walking is arguably the best form of exercise for seniors. For starters, you don’t need any fancy equipment, just some loose clothing, and supportive comfortable shoes. If your budget is permissive, you can go for specialized walking gear, but this is not necessary. Walking is perfect for seniors since it does not require much physical exertion. Taking a short walk around the block per day is sufficient. You can also engage in walking within indoor or outdoor spaces, which makes it ideal if you are in a nursing home or an assisted living facility. The key is ensuring that you don’t push yourself past your physical limits; you might be surprised by how enjoyable walking is. Apart from the exercise element, you also get a few moments to yourself for reflection.

4. Learn a new language

new language

Regardless of what people say about old dogs and new tricks, it is never too late to broaden one’s horizons. The additional time available to most seniors can be productively focused on learning a new language. Most people have a foreign language that appeals to them in some way, take this opportunity to learn it! With most seniors having the opportunity for international travel, learning a new language can make it easier for them to operate abroad. The process of learning a new language can not only be fun, but it also provides much needed intellectual stimulation and a sense of achievement.

5. Gardening


Gardening has to be the quintessential senior citizen pastime, and there are very good reasons for that. Gardening allows you to be out there in nature, which has been proven to have a positive health impact. The physical activity involved in gardening can count as daily exercise and improve your overall physical well being. As a pastime, gardening can lead to huge savings on your grocery bills or even become an income-generating activity if you produce more than you need. Even without making any money from it, being out in the fresh air and nurturing your plants will do wonders for your mental health.

Overall, being a senior should not exclude you from physical activity and fun pastimes. Most of these recommended activities, such as yoga and gardening, can also improve one’s mental and emotional health. Other benefits you will receive by being active include intellectual stimulation and a sense of achievement. So get out there today and try out at least one of these hobbies and activities!

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purse essentials

Is Your Purse a Bottomless Pit? 8 Purse Essentials You Should Always Keep in Your Bag

On average, each woman owns around seven handbags. That's seven opportunities for seven bottomless pits. If you have trouble locating what's in your purse simply because you have too much stuff, this article is for you. Read on, and we'll divulge some of the purse essentials you'll need to keep in your bag. If all else fails, you'll be able to get around with these few essentials. And if you're really against clutter, make a pact to only pack the things you need, and throw out everything else. Purse Essentials You Should Always Keep in Your Bag 1. Your Phone: This one is a no-brainer, but every woman needs their phone in their purse. How else would you text your husband annoying quips throughout the day or find out what people are up to on Facebook on your lunch break? Keep your phone in your purse, and don't leave home without it. 2. Charging Dock and Charger: This might sound extreme, but you can get small charging docks that will help you keep the power on your phone for most of the day. You don't want to waste your time on social media to find that you don't have a charge when you need it. If you carry around a charger, that will most likely come in handy at work or meetings when you can get some extra "juice" to help get you through the day. 3. Makeup: This one is highly personal, as some women don't wear any makeup. But if you do, you should pack your essentials. Some women pack an entire makeup bag, and if that's your thing, then go for it. But if you wear minimal makeup, just pack the items that you'll likely need to touch up through the day. This might include some blush, concealer, lipstick, or lip gloss. Throughout the day, you can sneak to the bathroom to ensure your makeup looks fresh. 4. Feminine Products: Even if you're not expecting your period, this is a good thing to have. In all your years of being a female, you probably already know that accidents happen and periods can come unexpectedly. You also already know that sometimes your friends need a hand, and you'll be the savior of the office or your friend group if you have a pad or tampon. Make sure you've got a few in case of emergencies. 5. Breathmints, Gum, or One-Use Toothbrushes: This one is especially essential if you're going out on a date or trying to impress someone. Breath mints, gum, and one-use toothbrushes are great things to have with you, especially if you go out for dinner with a date. You don't want to have the dreaded garlic breath after a nice romantic Italian meal if he leans in to kiss you. With these essentials, you can pop one in your mouth on the sly, or slip to the bathroom to brush your teeth with a single use toothbrush. Then, you'll be fresh and ready for your closeup with your date! 6. A Snack: You might think we're going overboard here, but you never know when you'll be stuck at a meeting or out on a business venture and not have access to food. Or, you might just get the afternoon nibbles at your office. Packing a snack ensures that you stay healthy, especially if you're trying to stick to a diet or eating well. By packing a healthy snack, you can avoid temptations at work or school in the form of a vending machine or breakroom snacks. Often times, they're sweets that offer no nutritional value, so make sure that you pack something to help you get through your afternoon slump. 7. For Bigger Purses: Your Laptop: You may not want to take your laptop everywhere, and that totally makes sense. But if you're going somewhere for work, you work for yourself or you have a while to wait in between appointments, you might want to bring your laptop. You can get some things done in the downtime so that you won't have to bother with them when you get home. This company offers stylish bags that are roomy enough to pack your laptop but aren't so over-the-top that you can't use them every day. They also offer bags for men so that they can stay in fashion as well. 8. Pack of Tissues: You never know when you'll get a runny nose, bloody nose or need a spontaneous napkin. And you might find yourself having a good cry and needing something to sop it up. Having a pack of tissues is a great way to ensure you're always prepared. Like the feminine products, you can always pass them to friends any time they need them, and you'll be the hero. They're perfect for trips to the movies or the theater, as you never know when someone is going to bust out into tears. Purse Essentials for Your Everyday Life: Purse essentials are different for everyone, but we feel this list builds a solid foundation. There may be items you might not find fit the bill, and other items you think are absolutely essential. Either way, try and stick to the bare bones of what you'll need during the day to avoid your purse turning into a black hole of random stuff. For more tips and tricks, check out the fashion section of our website. We've got everything from fashion tips for men and women, as well as hair and jewelry tips. Read Also: DIY: How To Clean A Leather Handbag 5 Incredible Benefits Of Reading On A Kindle


Ready For A Recharge? The Practice Of Enjoying Your Time Off Work

From time to time, taking a break from work is necessary to recharge both your personal and professional batteries. Whether you plan a week-long vacation in one of the world’s most-sought-after-vacation destinations, go for a glamping min-break, or if you intend to spend your time off from the comfort of your sofa – it’s crucial to take a break from the demands of your professional and personal life to minimize your stress levels. Yet, Americans left an average of 4.6 vacation days unused last year. From having too heavy a workload to fearing what colleagues might think, there are many reasons why US workers only take a percentage of their vacation allowance. Regardless, it is essential to understand that you’re not dodging responsibility and that you deserve a well-earned break from time to time. More importantly, it is crucial that you enjoy your time off so that you feel as though you’ve had enough time away to return feeling fully refreshed. If you’re ready for a recharge, there are plenty of ways to do so without feeling second-hand guilt, some of which we outline below: Make Preparations For The Following Morning Although we’re confident that you can find better ways to enjoy your time off work, preparing for the following morning can be valuable for occupying a spare fifteen minutes of your evening. Let’s face it; nothing is worse than running around like a headless chicken on your day off, trying to find something to do, or trying to fit everything you want to do into a set couple of hours. Whether you need to be out of the house early the next morning for a jaunt with friends or planning a day at home catching up on the housework – there are several ways you can save yourself stressing. From setting several back-to-back alarms to ensure you’re up and out of bed by a specific time to preparing and setting your coffee maker – anything that saves you several minutes of your morning. If you cannot function without a caffeine fix in the morning, consider teaching yourself less time-consuming ways of preparing your morning brew from experts like Cup & Bean. Whether you’d like to answer, what is a frappe coffee? Or learn how to make other popular coffee orders; their website covers you no matter what level your barista skills might be. Equipped with an online store and a blog filled with articles that cover everything from coffee making, the production process, the origin of coffee, different brewing techniques, and answering FAQs like, what is a frappe coffee? Plus, many more. Consider visiting their website for more information, and see how their help and advice could help you enjoy your time off work more. Get Your Body Moving Depending on whether you’re an active person or not, the thought of dragging yourself out of the house and down to the gym might sound like the least enjoyable way to spend your time off work. However, physical activity is one of the best things for improving quality of life and reaping the benefits of movement. From reducing certain physical and mental health risks to improving our mood, getting the recommended daily exercise is an excellent way to spend your time off work, especially if you spend most of your time at work stationery. The best thing is, even if you’re not the most active of people, you can get your daily exercise in from the comfort of your own home or without having to go far away! Whether you choose to take the family dog on a long walk, cycle down to the shops, walk to a close friend or relative’s house, or complete an at-home workout in your living room – you can get your body moving in a variety of ways and reap the benefits of doing so. Even if going to the gym on your day off sounds awful, something as low-impact as yoga, cycling, or walking is enough to get your endorphins pumping and make you feel better. Catch Up On Sleep According to studies, 94% of workers working in the professional service industry work over an alarming 50 hours a week. Due to this, many US professionals dedicate a chunk of their time off work to getting out of sleep debt. When you don’t have any work commitments, classes to attend, or children to take on the school run threatening to disturb your sleep, what’s better than catching up on sleep, right? However, even if we’re struggling to keep our eyes open long after our alarm has gone off, something about sleeping in on our day off work stirs up feelings of guilt deep inside us. Since sleeping in is often considered a form of laziness, many US workers try to avoid this stereotype by filling their time off with commitments even if they feel drained from the previous workweek. Yet, there is nothing wrong with sleeping in and in small doses; it can even provide many benefits. From having a better attention span, feeling more alert, reduced stress levels, and much more, catching up on a couple of extra winks during your time off work can help you recharge and make you feel ready to work upon your return to the workplace. Treat Yourself Ultimately, you want to spend your day off in a way that leaves you feeling relaxed and ready to go back to work with a smile (and a story to tell your co-workers!). Typically, this involves doing something you wouldn’t do during the work week as a ‘treat’ to reward yourself after battling with deadlines and many other work-related tasks. Whether you try out a new restaurant nearby or run yourself a bath with extra bubbles (and a bath bomb to boot!), you can make your time off feel a little bit more special by doing an activity you love. Though you’ll rarely be able to spend your entire day off doing something you love, ensure that you find the time to include hobbies or activities you like most so that you enjoy your time off. Additional: 10 Best Lifestyle Entrepreneurs Of All Time In 2021 How Does Children’s Health Impact Parental Lifestyle? Smoking and Other Negative Lifestyle Habits You Need to Kick to the Curb This Year Do You Really Want to Live on Mars? 3 Sustainability Tips for an Eco-Friendly Lifestyle